Presentations by Barbara Káli-Rozmis in Budapest: Programs
Queen Elisabeth – The Real Sisi
Venue: Budapest (1171 Budapest, Péceli út 222.)
Presentations of 2020 Spring postponed due to the present epidemiological situation:
March, 20: Queen Elisabeth and the Hungarians – OCTOBER, 9
April, 24: Elisabeth, One of the Most Beautiful Women in the World – NOVEMBER, 6
May, 15: Queen Elisabeth, the Great Traveler – DECEMBER, 4
Queen Elisabeth Advent Evening
Date: 11 December 2019 – from 6 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Venue: Benczúr Ház (the former Egyedi Palace): Ceremonial Hall – Ballroom
27 Benczúr Street, 6th district, Budapest – Andrássy Avenue, Millennium Underground, Hero’s Square

Barbara Káli-Rozmis – Researcher of Empress and Queen Elisabeth
Mónika Czédly – fashion designer, authentic replicas of Elisabeth’s dresses
Monika Halmos – gastronome, the expert of Elisabeth’s favourite desserts
Melinda Vilman – role: Queen Elisabeth (Melinda will be wearing one of the authentic replicas of Sisi’s dresses made by Mónika Czédly)
Short description:
Christmas was Elisabeth’s favourite celebration. Sisi preferred giving than receiving gifts. What was the presents she gave to her loved-ones on her birthday, 24 December? During the evening, we will have a look at the Advent-Christmas season from different aspects. How did the Imperial-Royal family celebrate? What was the relationship between the family members like? What were Elisabeth and her family wearing during the court events? What was on the dining table?
After the presentation, there will be a “cultural game” relating to the topic of the presentation. The name of those, who fill the test on the spot (during the interval) will be put in a box, and the ones whose names were drawn by „Queen Elisabeth” will get gifts.
The whole program is in Hungarian.
Tickets: 2200 HUF. Request:
Event on Facebook: Queen Elisabeth Advent Evening
First montage: © 1. Benczúr House. 2. Austrian National Library (ÖNB) No.: NB 513.153 – 3. ÖNB No.: B. Pf 6639 E 57/3
Film and Reality – What was Left out of the Film Sissi
Date: 21 November 2019 – 6:00 pm
Venue: Erzsébetligeti Színház (“Elisabeth Park Theatre”), Budapest
Presentation by Barbara Káli-Rozmis
All the tickets were sold out.
(Those who want to take part can be put onto the waiting list after registration).
Event on Facebook: Film and Reality
GAME: After the presentation, there will be a “cultural game” relating to the topic of the presentation. The name of those, who fill the test on the spot (during the interval) will be put in a box, and the ones whose names were drawn will get gifts.
I. RoyalCake- International Cake Art Competition
Date: 9 November 2019 – from 10:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m.
Venue: Royal Palace of Gödöllő
During the events:
Presentations by
Barbara Káli-Rozmis (Researcher of Empress and Queen Elisabeth), Mónika Czédly (authentic replicas of Sisi’s dresses) and Monika Halmos gastronome (Sisi’s favourite desserts)
Information (English): Royal Cake International Cake Art Competition
Event on Facebook: I. RoyalCake
Tickets: Click here
Presentation by Barbara Káli-Rozmis
Sunday, 26 May 2019 – 00:30 p.m. – 02:50 p.m. Kincsem Park – Turf Salon (V.I.P. Bet Room)
The program is on the occasion of Queen Elisabeth Racehorse in KINCSEM PARK which is said to be the most beautiful racecourse in Eastern Europe. The 86-hectare green place has been the home for Hungarian horse racing since 1925. For more information about Kincsem Park click here: Official Page (English)
Tickets: 1600 HUF Registration for the tickets must be taken in advance. Information:
Short description:
Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Queen of Hungary had been a passionate and daring horse rider since her childhood. The harder the field was, the more she enjoyed riding. She could spend a whole day on horseback. Sisi was regarded to be one of the best women riders of her time. Who accompanied Elisabeth on the hunts? Elisabeth gathered the best riders of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. (Interesting stories, passions and love in her company.) Sisi loved English style hunts the most – her hunts and companions in Britain will also be discussed.
Furthermore, I will talk about the Viennese court aristocracy, their relationship to their Empress; intrigues and gossips; Mary Throckmorton, the English governess (more like a nanny) of the young Marie Valerie. The participants of my presentation can get to know some of the Empress’ favourite horses. I will also “introduce” Kincsem (1874-1887), the world famous unbeaten horse that won 54 races from 54 starts. The place of my presentation (Kincsem Park) was named after this miraculous horse, whose owner also took part in some hunts of the Empress, who chose her riding companions not according to their nobility but according to their riding skills. After my presentation, the participants can see the Queen Elisabeth Racehorse.
GAME: During the interval, the audience can fill in a test relating to the topic of the presentation. (Lot:) The name of each respondent – who provide suitable answers – will be put into a box from which members of the audience will draw. The lucky ones will get some gifts relating to Queen Elisabeth. There is an online cultural game too, which “name drawing” and gifting will be also on this occasion (those who do not attend the show will get their gifts delivered by the post).
RACEHORSE: From 02:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m. there are racehorses. The presentation is at the V.I.P. bet room, Turf Salon, which is now (for the “show”) dedicated to Queen Elisabeth and the presentation. The Queen Elisabeth Racehorse is (after the presentation) around 05:00 p.m.
Event on Facebook: Queen Elisabeth on Horse Back (Hungarian)
You can see my previous presentation about Elisabeth on horseback at Benczúr Palace here: Queen Elisabeth and Bay Middleton (Hungarian!) The language of the video is Hungarian – more information about the presentation (at Benczúr Palace) is below.
QUEEN ELISABETH EVENING – 5 March 2019, 07:00 p.m. – 09:10 p.m.
Secrets, Mysteries and Passions
Queen Elisabeth and Bay Middleton – Crown Prince Rudolf and Mary Vetsera
Program: Presentation by Barbara Káli-Rozmis, the researcher of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, presentation and discussion with Esztér Virág Vér, historian (ELTE University)
Venue: Benczúr Ház – Benczúr House (Ceremonial Hall – Ballroom), 27 Benczúr Street, 6th district, Budapest
Tickets with gifts: 1600 HUF (Information:
The whole program is in Hungarian.
Description: Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Queen of Hungary had been a passionate and daring horse rider since her childhood. The harder the field was, the more she enjoyed riding. She could spend a whole day on horseback. Sisi was regarded to be one of the best women riders of her time. She loved English style hunts the most. During a hunt in Northampstonshire, England in 1876, she met Bay Middleton the excellent Scottish rider, who was the equerry to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (John Spencer, 5th Earl Spencer). At first, Middleton was opposed to being a pilot (escorting and taking care of) the Empress in the hunting field, against whom, he was prejudiced. However, when he met Sisi, he was amazed by her beauty, gentleness, kindness and riding knowledge. Elisabeth also felt some attraction to the man. During her stays in Great Britain, they spent several weeks in each other’s company while riding. What is more, the man (although he had no rank) was sitting next to the Empress during meals. Some of Sisi’s companions reacted with indignation. Crown Prince Rudolf disliked Bay Middleton, and behaved impolitely to him. Elisabeth was hurt but she did not care about anybody’s opinion, and invited the man to the Royal Palace of Gödöllő. There were some rumours and gossips about them even that time. In my presentation, I will talk about this relationship in details. What could make Sisi give up horse riding unexpectedly and permanently in 1882? Was it relating to health problems and her horse accidents or is it more related to the fact that Bay Middleton – finally, after six years of engagement – married his fiancée in October of the very same year?
Sometimes, Crown Prince Rudolf attended the hunts with Elisabeth. The other half of the program will be in connection with him. Crown Prince Rudolf was found dead accompanied by his mistress, Mary Vetsera in Mayerling Hunting Lodge 130 years ago – 30 January 1889. According to the official version Rudolf committed a murder-suicide in a state of „mental unbalance”. Although both Mary Vetsera and the Crown Prince wrote suicide notes, many believed and have though recently that the death of the Habsburg heir had been an assassination or a murder. There are a lot of contradictory and mysterious details around the tragedy. Was it a double suicide? A murder? An assassination? During the other half of the program, I will be interviewing Eszter Virág Vér, historian about it. Eszter Virág Vér held a presentation and took part in the Memorial Conference on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the Crown Prince’s death organised in Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna between 28-29 January 2019.
Barbara Káli-Rozmis
Tickets with gifts: 1600 HUF. Request:
GAME: After the presentation and during the interval, the audience can fill in a test relating to the topic of the presentation. (Lot:) The name of each respondent – who provide suitable answers – will be put into a box from which members of the audience will draw. The lucky ones will get some gifts relating to Empress and Queen Elisabeth. A huge thanks Schloß Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsges.m.b.H. for supporting the game with Sisi Tickets (as prizes).
Events on Facebook: Erzsébet Királyné Klubest
Sources of pictures:
Photo 1 – Crown Prince Rudolf ÖNB – Pk 499, 2/86
Photo 2 – Elisabeth – ÖNB – Pf 6639 E 53/1
Photo 3 – Mary Vetsera – ÖNB – Pf 14403 : C (14)
(Pictured were modified.)
Ball Room – Benczúr House © Benczúr Ház
Poster – photo: Elisabeth – ÖNB Pf 6639 E 27a/1
Stefánia Palace, Budapest, 25 November 2018 – the whole program is in Hungarian
Presentation by Barbara Káli-Rozmis and an Exhibition by Mónika Czédly
About the exhibition: Replicas of Elisabeth’s dresses – including the one worn by her on the coronation ceremony in Matthias Church – will be on display. The replica of the coronation dress was first exhibited on the 150th anniversary of the coronation, in the Royal Palace of Gödöllő.
The venue: Stefánia Palace is connected to Elisabeth, the Empress was there more times. The palace has an Elisabeth Room as well as an Ida Ferenczy Room (Sisi’s conversationalist).
The date of the event: 25 November 2018. From 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
See the detailed program below.
10.00 – 10.05 Opening ceremony
10.05 – 10.30 Budapest Dance Studio: Viennese Waltz. Song from Elizabeth Musical (in Hungarian) by Anita Potvorszki. Budapest Dance Studio: Blue Danube Waltz. Song from Rudolf Musical (in Hungarian) by Anita Potvorszki
10.30 – 11.30 Presentation of Barbara Káli-Rozmis, the researcher of Empress and Queen Elisabeth
11.30 – 11.45 Break
11.45 – 12.15 Budapest Dance Studio: Hungarian Dance – “Palotás”. Song from Rudolf Musical (in Hungarian) by Anita Potvorszki. Budapest Dance Studio: Hungarian Dance – “Csárdás”. Song from Elizabeth Musical (in Hungarian) by Anita Potvorszki
12.15 – 12.40 Replicas of Queen Elisabeth’s Dresses and presentation about them by Mónika Czédly
12.40 -13.00 Exhibition: Replicas of Queen Elisabeth Dresses
13.00 – 14.00 (Optional program) Gastronomic time travel: Dishes that Elisabeth was fond of